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Day Planners
Day Planners

Learn English with this day planners English lesson

Date: Dec 03 2014

Themes: How To, Time, Work

Grammar: Simple Present Tense


1. Learn Vocabulary - Learn some new vocabulary before you start the lesson.

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2. Read and Prepare - Read the introduction and prepare to hear the audio.

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Has this ever happened to you? You lie down to read a good book, or to watch your favorite TV show. Suddenly, you remember that you had something important to do that you’d forgotten! Maybe you need a day planner to remember your schedule.

Some people need to make lists or carry a planner to remember all of the things they need to do. It can be a small date book or a calendar on your phone, as long as it helps you to keep an appointment.

Jessica uses her planner so that she knows what she’s going to do all day, but Gary only writes down some of the things he has to do. Read on in today’s English lesson about day planners.


1. Listen and Read - Listen to the audio and read the dialog at the same time.

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2. Study - Read the dialog again to see how the vocab words are used.





Jessica:  I am so relieved, Gary, that I use a day planner.

Gary:  Oh, you do use one?

Jessica:  I do! Because I have an appointment tomorrow, and I wouldn’t have remembered that it was on my schedule.

Gary:  I’m kind of laid back in the way of what items I put on my schedule.

Jessica:  Are you?

Gary:  Yeah, I’m organized. I keep very good detail of what I need to do, and I don’t really put everything on there.

Jessica:  I must be a type A personality because I am so organized that I actually block out, hour by hour, my daily schedule.

Gary:  Do you really? Does it help you to stay relaxed or does that stress you out?

Jessica:  It actually helps me stay relaxed. I look at it in the morning, and I know exactly what I have going on for the day.

Gary:  I guess you could say that my approach is more laissez-faire in that I just have a few things on there.

Jessica:  Maybe I should take some lessons from you and relax a little bit more.


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Jessica uses a day planner to keep organized every day. She plans hour by hour, and it helps her to relax because she knows exactly what she needs to do. Gary also keeps a planner, but he’s more laid back about how he uses it. He only writes down some of the things he needs to do.

Jessica thinks that she can learn something from Gary’s example of not writing down every little thing she has to do. She thinks that maybe she can relax even more if she doesn’t plan so much.

Do you use a day planner? Do you write down everything you have to do?



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i am like gary kind of laid back and letting things go on the way they were supposed to. 

12:18 PM Dec 14 2014 |




In fact, I used to write down my important daily duties and appointments on paper and also on sticky note on my laptop which help me a lot in organizing my schedules. But in spite of this, i’ve forgotten some of them from time to time. I think I can nominate as one of the most forgettable person in the world. To be honest, I lost my jacket and umbrella during last 2 weeks. Another case is just the other day, when my friend had planned to come from Montréal to the airport in here to meet each other and after that take another plane,even though i wrot it down in somewhere but it was very close for me to forget that but hopefully i remembered during having my lunch.  

11:10 PM Dec 05 2014 |

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  Usually I don´t have to go through hectic days so I  don´t see the point to keep records of my future schedules .  I only write down my” passwords ”, and to be sure  not to miss out  on bank payments i put a reminder  magnetically attached on the fridge . I agree that day planners are  handy , but not in my case. As for Jessica ,she is so well organized ,to the point of perfection , but what would happen with her if some unexpected call requiring her inmediate attention crumbles down all  her planning for the day. I think that now Jessica will be really stressed-out  at not being able to sort out the engaged  agenda. I hope that it wont`t be a roller-coaster in her life.

03:47 PM Dec 03 2014 |

jorgeguevara61Super Member!


Yes, Day Planners is very important to me, it’s help me in the activities all day, we make the important things and the day planners we permit to do it. in the case of the email I always use the day Planeers of the Outlook. is a excelent tool in my job.  

12:14 PM Dec 03 2014 |



and People use diaries for remembering the past and day planners for remembering the future ..

and People want to be free as a bird to live without schedules,plans..on the other hand they want to manage their plans,dates..they dont want to forget important things..its also necessary for many people..

I dont have any day planner ,paper or electronic …coz ım not very busy ..ım not businessman,lawyer,doctor…sometimes ı write important dates to month calender for reminding me .its enough :)

11:30 AM Dec 03 2014 |




Unfortunately, most time our action is become suddenly without dairly planner.

05:24 AM Dec 03 2014 |




It is not an advertisement from my side but I devoted to the Google app “Google keep”. This app works perfectly well on all my devices which are based on Android. All notes are synchronized between all devices. Each note can be reminded in time and it can be marked with any colour you need to make it more noticeable.  It does not need any internet connection. 

I am very content and I forgot about day planners which are made from paper :D

05:10 AM Dec 03 2014 |

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