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What does "deal" mean?

Vocabulary Word: deal

1. Definition (n.) a special offer or arrangement made that helps everyone involved.

Examples I want to buy your car… let’s make a deal!

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2. Definition (n.) a good price on a desired product

Examples I found a great deal at Banana Republic when I bought these pants!

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3. Definition (n.) problem; explanation for acting strangely

Examples What’s your deal? You’ve been in a bad mood all day.

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4. Definition (n.) thing, project

Examples We have a lot of paintings at my house, but that’s my mom’s deal. I don’t really know anything about art.

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5. Definition (n.) situation

Examples What’s the deal with your sister? Is she single?

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6. Definition (n.) a business agreement

Examples The star signed an advertising deal worth millions.

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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

now i understood more definitions on DEAL thank youuuuuuuuuu.useful

06:14 AM Sep 11 2014 |

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