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Without tenses

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June 2, 2008


Time, sometimes as with life, has no recognizable or understandable rhyme or reason. As we humans are carried along or at times seemingly swept along as in some rushing or even raging tide, we really have no control over this non-palpable entity. We can’t touch it as we would touch a flower or a friend. We can’t corral it or damn it up as we would an animal or a river. Time really has no smell; and we can’t hear time itself – we may hear the effects or even its affects and influences over tangible and intangible things such as with its effects and affects over the sense of smell and touch. We can’t truly see time, but only for its effects and affects that it may have on those entities that exist within its realm. As for not having rhyme or reason, why is time so constant when all other properties of life seem to vary and seem to be flexible? Where did time begin, assuming of course that it in fact has had a beginning - and probably more important to those of us who are now within its movement, is the question of: where will time end or end with us? I had suggested the singular of movement here because “time” seems to only have but one movement, and that is toward some undefinable or abstract finish. And too, why does it seem that all we do or say or all that was and all that is and will be ----- why are these tenses all so tightly united or embedded in time -------- meaning, why must things have a past, present and a future – with none of the tenses being independent of the other two tenses? Why can’t things just BE, having no beginning and no end? And this, possibly being an even deeper or more complicated question to satisfy with answer is, why do all things seem to need to be "progressing" – and progressing to where and for what and/ or for whom (assuming of course that there is a for whom or for what)? Why can’t things simply be well enough as they are, not needing any progression – as if needing time to improve? Now if the aforementioned (as having been earlier mentioned) ponderables were not complicated enough to fathom, what about such times as past perfect, past continuous and present perfects, and all the various future tenses (of time)? – not to mention any conditionals or active and enactive voices. If the simple times were not complicated enough what about these other grades or periods of time? I ask again, “Why?” Who needs them? What are their purposes? What service do they provide? Could it be possible that we all could be a bit more happy, enjoying life within a never ending present (that of living in a constant NOW) than apposed to having to always worry over a time that has passed (as in dead and gone), but never seeming to really die, and/or a time that has never been born (a possible future moment ----- not really being a true moment or time in that it has never truly existed – if indeed it will ever exist at all, but in some possible Static dream). Why does a future time always seem to always be living, but in reality it has never lived? And who needs to think of a progressing NOW? A progressing NOW only becomes a never ending passing past. However, a NOW, as it is right at this moment, never dies. It will never be some possible distant dream. True, it won't grade well on an exam of verb tenses.

More entries: Half-Wit (3), Come Home Son, Life Is A Risk, Words Are Not Action, JOY, Here's a shot of me doing my one--and only one--yearly exercise (1), Indeed A Higher Law of Justice, Gotcha! (1), A Belated "I'm Sorry", The Fruits of Our Labor?

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