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| 06:37 PM Mar 11 2023



The German newspaper ‘Das Gesundheitsmagazin’ says that in Germany many infants are overweight, because to avoid the mess infants usually make while eating fruits parents feed them convenience mush or similar products you may find at any grocery store. The thing is just because because they don’t contain industrial sugar or chocolate doesn’t make them healthy. The peel of for example apples is the most nutritious part of the thing and yet the peel of course gets removed before the apple is turned into the final product. Also they usually add concentrates or syrup which also increases the amount of sugar in the final product. Last but not least solid fruits make you feel full a lot faster than the same amount of mush would. Thus you must eat more mush to feel full and if you eat more you automatically also gain weight.

| 09:11 AM Mar 11 2023



The German newspaper ‘Das Gesundheitsmagazin’ says that more than 50 % of all patients with blood pressure react to salt with an increase of their blood pressure.

| 09:08 AM Mar 11 2023



The German newspaper ‘Das Gesundheitsmagazin’ says that scientists now found out that even in case of heavy bleeding a compression bandage still is more efficient than tieing off the wounded area from blood circulation. After all the latter method could lead to cells dieing from too little blood supply.

| 07:05 PM Jun 07 2022



Scientists from the ‘Max-Planck-Institute for Biology of Aging’ now found out that mental issues like stress or mental illness may reduce your life span even if it isn’t so bad that you go suicidal; even if it does not prevent you from sleeping, making you tired and making you cause let’s say a car crash due to being too tired to focus on the traffic.

| 06:57 PM Jun 07 2022



The German magazine ‘bleib gesund’ says that in Germany there are only 60 people who produce glass eyes you can use as a prothesis – for example after an accident or when the eye had to be removed due to a disease. Reason why there are only 60 so called glass eye makers is that the apprenticeship takes about seven years, you need to work with a apecial kind of glass and the eyes need to be exactly this or that size and this or that shape. Otherwise the eye will be useless for this customer. Also it is a huge psychological responsability: If due to a mistake the customer needs to wait a little longer for his new eye, that also means that he will suffer a little longer under the impression he’s not complete and – especially in Germany – said customer will be bothered by strangers staring at him for having one eye only. If everything goes according to plan though, you may help him get over the trauma of losing an eye a bit sooner.