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| 06:45 PM Jan 14 2022



‘Reutlinger Nachrichten’ says that due to Corona the workers of the town hall of Bad Urach (somewhere in the South of Germany) neither had a Christmas party nor a New Year’s Eve party. However they already had thousands of dollars saved for this party. Thus they decided to donate this money to different projects for poor people. The rest was donated to an animal shelter and to an organisation that is responsible for keeping war memorials (both world wars) intact.

| 07:40 AM Jan 09 2022



In a flyer the Roman-Catholic aid-organisation ‘missio’ wrote about a nun called Stan Muman who in Ghana adopted some children who were abandoned by their own families due to physical or mental disabilities. She says that back then she had no idea where to get the money from – why the local church or even the diocese didn’t support her back then wasn’t mentioned – you need to raise so many children, but she said to herself “If God does want to save these children, he will also provide the money!” Meanwhile she even founded her own religious order with some kind of school that teaches young women who wish to become teachers or work in a kindergarden. And as a real order with a religious educational facility she of course also gets financial support from the diocese.

| 07:30 AM Dec 10 2021



‘Dehner’ is a chain of stores that is best known for its garden- and pet-related goods, even though they also sell decorative indoor-stuff. Now they advertised that from now on some of their items – they are labeled – would be used to gain money for the German-Austrian aid-organisation ‘Die Tafeln’ that helps very poor people in Austria and Germany to obtain food. Anyway they promised that per sold labeled product one Euro is going to be donated to ‘Die Tafeln’. ‘Dehner’ even opened a new relief fund in case you want to give more than just 1 €:
Dehner Hilfsfonds
HypoVereinsbank Donauwörth
IBAN: DE 19 72220074 0319401962

| 08:06 PM Dec 09 2021



‘Reutlinger Nachrichten’ says that the annual flea market the Roman-Catholic church of Neckartenzlingen does annually to gather some money for an orphanage in Nigeria and some other orphan-related projects had to be cancelled due to Corona.

| 07:13 AM Dec 04 2021



The local newspaper ‘Reutlinger Nachrichten’ says that the Roman-Catholic ‘Aktion Hoffnung’ says that thanks to many discount promotions and vouchers given away in the months of November and December many people bought clothes they didn’t even really need just because they were so cheap. More sustainable would be to buy second-hand clothes from online shops or from second hand boutiques or – if you’re one of those who think second-hand clothes are not hygienic enough – to at least donate the clothes you don’t wear anymore to second-hand stores. You may ask the owner first about this, but most second hand stores also accept clothes sent by mail.
Second hand boutiques this newspaper article advertised were:
SECONTIQUE Aalen, Mittelbachstraße 8
SECONTIQUE Albstadt, Sonnenstr. 33
SECONTIQUE Ulm, Dreiköniggasse 10
Future Fashion Store x SECONTIQUE im Kaufhaus Gerber in Stuttgart, Sophienstraße 21.