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Life Talk!

Why ..


Saudi Arabia















""""" why a jew can grow his bread in order to practice his faiath… but when Muslim does the same.. he is an extriemest and terriorist""



why a nun can b covered from head to toe in order to devote herself to god.. but when Muslimah does the same she is



when a westren woman stays at home to look after her house and kids she is respected  because of sacrificing herself and
doin good for the household….. but when Muslimah does so by her will…. the say :: she needs to b liberated"


    when some1 drives a perfect car in a bad way.. no one     blames the… BUT when any muslim makes a mistake or
treats ppl in a bad manner…. PPL say ISLAM IS THE REASON

11:14 AM Jun 27 2009 |

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Saudi Arabia

just to make my words clear :) when i said animals
i ment the animlas that post topics about islams and show that it's not good :)
when i said animals i ment those who said that we're animals without any resons  just blablablabalbing:)
and here is the question why :)


there are lot of animals here , :) what's an animal 

it's  creature that act without a brain , eat , drink , and sleep that an animals :) an from what i see there is many of them, 

 even the animal much better and there are many used from them , unlike some people , even animals have heart un like many people , some animal much much better then some people :)


04:25 PM Jun 27 2009 |



Djouzi, and I like bread. So maybe that's a connection.


What's your favorite kind of bread? There's an Iranian restaurant I go to that serves the best flatbread I've ever tasted.  

04:46 PM Jun 27 2009 |




Dear brother Aiman,
Why give so much importance to such people? This world is full of people who understand immediately who is wiser and who is stupid ,Think of this matter as we behave in real life , when a dog on the streets barks at us , do we bark back at the dog or do we just keep walking ? But Muslims who are educated by the Islamic religion , they are compelled to honor the virtue of the great religion of Islam and they will not stoop so low as to say anything bad about any one ,no matter who it comes from , The Prophet Mohommad also had to face such critics and people who tested his patience but he but HE always forgave them and that is how the great religion of islam became the religion of the world and is spreading widely , so that is my advice to you, sometimes people will try our patience , it is the moment you have to stay away from the temptation of barking back and getting to their low level.There is a saying in English , which means the exact same thing ” fools who came to scoff , remained to pray ” meaning the misguided souls who came to make fun of my religion , ultimately had a sudden enlightenment and remained to pray and follow the exact same religion which they were making a fun of a few days ago.
Be good , do the right thing and leave the rest to Allah.
May Allah bring you peace and happiness:)

05:06 PM Jun 27 2009 |





05:06 PM Jun 27 2009 |



we ask always … we say why those things are not like they have to be … but we don't ask ourself what can we do to change and repear it !!!!

11:09 PM Jun 27 2009 |



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

A- Zineb

you are totally right.

as i said before:

we have to repair this kind of stuff through improving our

KNOWLEDGE & TECHNOLOGIES which can help us to

have a  strong power to discribe & support

our pure veiw of the world & make others to respect us.

03:30 AM Jun 28 2009 |



it's not contagious, you know.

04:08 PM Jun 28 2009 |



I've shared my table with Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, B'Hai, Mormons, and others; probably more than with fellow atheists. 

04:18 PM Jun 28 2009 |