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What do u think about Burma massacre ?





09:53 AM Jul 25 2012 |

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United States

Nasim makes an excellent point. What do the Muslims think? Is it even possible for our peoples to live in peace together without surrendering our beliefts to appease our attackers? We have seen Muslims massacred and that is an awful tragedy, but where was the outrage when Jihadists kill us or our children? They have attacked every nation that has admitted them into it’s borders, Jihadists kill more muslims than all other religions combined and still we are the enemy. Jihadists kill more of us than all other religions combined and still the non-jihadists urge us not to return violence with violence because they believe in peace. Doesn’t make sense to me.

Ghandi had the only solution to resisting a more powerful foe.  Violence will only kill us all.

06:24 PM Jul 26 2012 |




Yes, I call it double standards of Muslims. Yesterday Pak wing of Taliban has claimed that it’ll employ terrorist activities if Pakistan govt doesn’t cease relationships with Burma. Is this a way of dialogue. I also don’t see any thread on here about the Syrian Christians who have been told by the govt to get out. Where are the sympathies when Jews are killed in Bulgaria. Laughably Iran accuses that Mossad agents were behind that blast. I see hypocrisy when Muslims demand free speech, tolerance and equal rights in secular countries and throttle the same in their countries with anti proselytization, anti apostasy and anti blasphemy rules.

Many claim most muslims are moderate and extremists defame whole of Muslim community. But do I see these moderates standing up to condemn terrorist attacks, much less be involved in stopping it? How many of these will say Osama wasn’t a Muslim and will go to hell? And if you tell the truth, you’ll be labelled Islamophobe/racist/Nazi by the Politically Correct. Sad truth.

07:19 PM Jul 27 2012 |




“However pure Mr. Gandhi’s character may be, he must appear to me, from the point of religion, inferior to any Mussalman even though he be without character.” In 1925 he emphasized: “Yes, according to my religion and creed, I do hold an adulterous and a fallen Mussalman to be better than Mr. Gandhi”

—Maulana Muhammad Ali (Leader of Muslim Khilafat movement during Indian freedom fight)

07:25 PM Jul 27 2012 |



United States

I’m afraid we may have our answer. .

01:16 PM Jul 28 2012 |




^ And it’s not an entirely soothing one.

06:41 AM Jul 29 2012 |



United States

It bothers me that they are being taught false history but acting on them as if they were true. It makes me laugh that so many of them list examples of American misconduct as if those facts are unknown to people from this country. It makes me wonder how much of their own role in the world is being twisted by those good Muslims with the palaces and private jets who like having the average person there hating everyone else on the planet.

05:17 PM Jul 29 2012 |



United States

Wow. Yes, it’ve very easy to see who is the massacred and who is the killer. See, the massacred people, they don’t move much because they are dead. The killers, they are the ones who did the massacring. Yes, very easy to tell. The USA has committed many massacres in our short but bloody history. The difference between you and I is that I know my nations massacres. I know my nation knows them too. Sometimes it is indeed us who are at fault. We admit it. You do not admit your role.

We don’t WANT to live under your “principles”, we don’t want your way of life. You have no right whatsover to attempt to deny me those rights in the name of seeking your own rights. Your right’s, like mine, stop where someone elses rights begin. You can’t call for our deaths and be angry when we kill you. You can’t demand for your women to wear burkas then hide bombs under them. We have a saying here: you can’t yell FIRE in a movie theater. If you can’t live in a non-islamic country without requiring the people of that country to treat you differently than everyone else, stay home.

11:21 PM Jul 29 2012 |



United States

No sir, the US does indeed care deeply about the lives of others. You forget the Jihadists role in all this. When has the US captured a private vessel and then thrown an 85 year old man in a wheelchair overboard to drown? That was your religion of peace did that to one of our people decades ago. No if we attacked every time one of our citizens were killed overseas, there would be very few Islamic counties left. We, like Russia, China, and India, have shown great patience. We only attacked when the number of dead in a single attack reached the thousands, and all civilians too.

remember also that American is not a race. we are a people. if an iranian gets killed why don’t you ask your government why it does nothing instead of expecting others to do it for you? You may be right, we don’t consider other nations, we don’t really consider our own. We consider human life, we don’t really care about your government, only your people. And yes, the wealthy here make deals with the wealthy there to profit from you. How is that America’s fault exactly? It’s YOUR people who are agreeing to these deals.

many many american’s have been killed with no response from us. hundreds at a time sometimes with no response from us. jihadist have been killing our people longer than Iran has been out from under the Shah. Considering the inequities in military strength, we’ve been remarkably patient. If the situation were reversed, I’m pretty sure not only would Iran have attacked us 30 years ago, but we’d now be suffering under Islamic law. It’s become too widespread to ignore. Jihadists are killing people in dozens of countries. Sorry if you don’t like the rest of us objecting, but exported violence must be stopped. And it’s not just the US who has this trouble.

In what world did anyone ever come to you with no gain for themselves? No one ever did that for us, who does that for you?

12:29 PM Jul 30 2012 |




it’s easy to understand who is massacred and killer ? isn’t ?

It indeed is, your prejudice just isn’t letting you see it. Muslims are always oppressed? Oh yes, if you happen to be another Muslim brother you will just dismiss their atrocities but WILL count paybacks they receive from non muslims. One of my favorites from Qur’an applies here.

Allah hath set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their eyes is a veil; great is the penalty they (incur). (Qur’an 2:7)

the current status, is Muslim minorities are under discrimination of other nations 

Muslim minority in which country IS currently under fire? Burma? It’s more political than religious. Don’t give it religious colors. Where else?

Non-muslim minority in which country IS currently NOT under fire? Syria? Pakistan? KSA? In Pakistan Hindu and in Syria Christian girls are abducted, married to Muslims and forced to convert. Go to Amnesty Intl website or other humanitarian websites and find out. In Iran an advocate who was fighting the cause of a Christian pastor charged to death over apostasy had his license revoked and faces 9 yrs in jail. In KSA two Sri Lankan youths are charged for praying to a statue of Buddha. And it’s an incorrigible law, but many women in KSA are charged over witchcraft! Yes KSA has laws prohibiting witchcraft! The Arabs in KSA don’t even spare their less fortunate Muslim brothers and sisters. http://www.gcchumanrights.org/. Especially this pic of an Indonesian woman before she went to work in KSA and after she was raped and burnt is especailly apalling.

because they don’t accept to live accoring to their principes and roles, they have their own way of life, and other keep denying their right to that, they call their liberty, and other call for their Subordination, 

Yes this inflexible nature of Islam is also its most irksome part. When you are in Rome, do as Romans do. When an Indian Hindu moves to US, he dresses like the typical American and mostly adapts to the host nation’s culture. The Muslims on the other hand want exceptions to be made for them! In the UK, Muslim docs are allowed 2 hrs for praying per day without pay cuts. If a Christian doc has duty on Sunday, he still won’t get a break for the mass. Nobody is calling for their subordination, we only want them to mix in with the host nation’s culture.

See the bias here! When an westerner visits KSA/Iran/Pakistan or even Indian parts of Kashmir they are expected not to offend LOCAL ETHOS by wearing stuff like mini-skirts. See. But when French people want to ban burqa because it’s a security threat, they’re being Islamophobic! Respect isn’t an one way course. You give and you receive.

Muslims are not followers of other nations, but they do have their way of life, that other cannot support.

And they shouldn’t either. For a Muslim, the ummah is above everything: family, friends and even nation. Patriotism sounds like unfamiliar waters. If Pakistan tries invading India can I expect Indian Muslims to stand up and support Indian Hindus in fighting the enemy off or will they rather join Pakistan? Because in Islam taking the life of a Muslim isn’t permitted unless he has murdered somebody, had illicit sexual relations or left Islam.

01:43 PM Jul 30 2012 |



United States

Hear hear. I am curious as to the Muslim response to a very curious thing that has happened repeatedly here. In our history, no one has ever joined our military, gone through the trainings, the years, the comradery, then turn on them to kill in the name of our enemies (here meaning the Jihadists). They’ve joined our military, taken our most serious and inviolate oaths, then turned on their comrades because this time the enemy was a fellow muslim. In more than 200 years, your’s is the only religion whose people have been so treacherous. Not even our political enemies did such things. To spy yes, but to directly and randomly murder comrades? It’s new to us. And when coupled with the photographs we see in so many countries calling for our enslavement or death, it doesn’t paint the peaceful picture I hear so much about. I really am curious as to what the regular people think. Is this the way of the regular Muslim?

02:00 PM Jul 30 2012 |