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Do You Understand This English Sentence?

Do You Understand This English Sentence?

Date: Oct 08 2018

Topic: Reading

Author: englishteacher24/7


This forum is created to assist you in understanding English sentences. Please feel free to participate and ask questions.


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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Hello Mr. Alston. Thank you very much for your new lesson ๐Ÿ™
My answer:
Ms. Charlotte: Iโ€™m interested in buying the company. I may have to work very hard with our company to change it, but I think theyโ€™ll try to achieve the goals. Connect me with the powers to be so we can discuss it.
Janet: I’ll carefully try to find out about other feelings or plans at the company to see how receptive they are. I want to be complete preparation before I contact you.
Ms. Charlotte: Okay.

04:45 AM Jul 13 2019 |


United States

Lesson # 23 “Reading between the lines:”

Ms. Charlotte- I’m interested in buying the company. I may have to move heaven and earth with our company to swing it, but I think they’ll give it a go. Hook me up with the powers to be so we can discuss it.

Janet- Great! I’ll put some feelers out at the company to see how receptive they are. I want to have all of my ducks in a row before I contact you.

Ms. Charlotte- Okay.

Question: Can you paraphrase this dialogue?

10:41 AM Jul 10 2019 |


United States

Lesson #22 Explanation:

Overheard= To hear something without the knowledge of the speaker.

Strapped= Being desperate.

Going under= Failing financially.

On their last leg= Being in a bad condition where something will fail soon.

Getting something for a song= Getting something very cheaply.

Bora & Fatemeh, thank you for your splendid feedback and support.

Next lesson is coming soon.

09:32 AM Jul 05 2019 |



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Hello Mr. Alston. Thank you very much for your kind words, I improved because of your teaching. Thanks a lot ๐Ÿ™

06:10 AM Jul 02 2019 |


bora_78Super Member!


Hello Mr.Alston

Thank you so much for your encouragement.I love your lessons.

07:11 PM Jul 01 2019 |


United States

Fatemeh, you’re welcome. Your paraphrase is totally accurate. You have improved so much in learning English as spoken. Congratulations, continue improving.

Bora- Your paraphrase is correct and your ability to communicate your understanding is improving. Your use of the phrase “getting the company on the cheap” is good because it accurately paraphrases the “get the company for a song.” Continue your improvement.

Bioerol- Hello and welcome to the forum. Feel free to join in.

10:15 AM Jun 30 2019 |


bora_78Super Member!


Hi Mr. Alston

in my oppinion

Ms.Charlotte: I’ve heard you. Your company has a hadr time,what will they do ,what are their plans?

Janet: They are about to burst up. You can get the company on the cheap

Best regards





12:46 PM Jun 24 2019 |



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Hello Mr. Alston. Thank you very much for your new lesson ๐Ÿ™
My answer:
Ms. Charlotte: I overheard parts of your story about the company. How without funds are they to continue in business. Are they going to fail?
Janet: They are close to fail, just before the complete stop. You can get the company for much less money than its real value.


United States

Lesson # 22 Reading between the lines:

Ms. Charlotte is a rich lady who sat at the next table in the restaurant.

Ms. Charlotte- I overheard parts of your story about the company. How strapped are they to continue in business. Are they going under?

Janet- They’re on their last leg before the bottom drops out. You can get the company for a song.

Question: Can you paraphrase this dialogue?

10:21 AM Jun 22 2019 |


United States

Bora, you’re welcome. Thanks for your email, I’m fine. Next lesson will be coming soon.

You are an excellent student!

05:49 AM Jun 21 2019 |


bora_78Super Member!


Hello Mr. Alston

Thank you for your encouragement.

05:43 AM Jun 13 2019 |


United States

Explanation of pop quiz:

In Sentence A, the comma separates Donna from the rest of the sentence. Another person is calling Donna’s name and apologizing for missing the meeting. 

In Sentence B, another person is saying Donna is sorry for missing the meeting.

Sally, you are correct on both. Welcome back, I missed you.

Bora, you were correct on understanding about commas. Keep learning and growing. 



I miss you, Mr. Gray! Thank you so much for your help.

05:33 AM Jun 09 2019 |



Hello Mr. Alston!

In sentence A., it’s like a person was apologizing to Donna for not being able to attend the meeting.

In sentence B., the person was telling that Donna was apologizing for missing the meeting.


bora_78Super Member!


Hi Mr Alston

A: Donna isn’t sorry

B: Donna is sorry 

Comma changes meaning of clause.


United States

Pop Quiz:

What is the difference between these two seemingly identical sentences, please explain:

A. Donna, sorry for missing the meeting.

B. Donna sorry for missing the meeting.

I’m back to continue the lessons.


United States

Lesson #21 Explanation:

Between a rock and a hard place=Being in a difficult situation.

To jettison= To discharge or remove.

Truth be told= To be directly honest.

Nefarious= Doing something with an evil intent.

Chickens coming home to roost= When consequences occur as a result of a previous actions.

Albeit= A conjunction that means “even though.”

Good job everyone!


United States

Bora- Good paraphrase that can be improved by removing “get.” In Bill’s comment, change to “they decided to make some bad financial decisions that the employees had to pay for.”

Bluesky- Very good paraphrase. You did well in understanding the text.

Fatemeh- You’re welcome. Very good explanation. Remove “get.”

In Bill’s comment, change to: ”...the unpleasant effects of bad decisions that were made in the past…”

Good job, everyone!



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Hello Mr Alston. Thank you very much for your new lesson ๐Ÿ™
Janet: I’m in a situation where I am facing with two equally difficult alternatives with management. They are determined to get fire a lot of hard-working employees.
Bill: To be honest, some nefarious financial decisions were made and you experience the unpleasant effects of decisions bad that made in the past, albeit by using some of the employees!

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