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July 9, 2010

    I hate the way you talk to me.

    And the way you cut your hair.

    I hate the way you drive my car.

    hate it when you stare

    I hate your big dumb combat boots.

    And the way you read my mind.

    I hate you so much it makes me sick - it even makes me rhyme.

    I hate the way you're always right.

     I hate it when you lie.

    I hate it when you make me laugh - even worse when you make me cry.

     I hate it that you're not around.

     And the fact that you didnt call.

     But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you -

      not even close, not even a little bit, not any at all.”

06:16 AM Jul 13 2010



hehe that video is a gay video :) do u think the ppl with unconventional lifestyle love to hate? or hate to love? or .....I got completely tangled:)


04:23 AM Jul 13 2010


Russian Federation

well, if a person hates, then he/she loves to hate... and I can't agree that to hate is equal to love. Loving to hate  may be treated as a  kind of diagnosis.


09:46 AM Jul 12 2010



 I just know how it feels when you love and hate someone at the same moment.

06:44 AM Jul 12 2010


Russian Federation

if there are so many things to hate definitely you re in love ;)

08:54 PM Jul 09 2010


I hate it when a good person leaves ebaby. Smile Hoşgeldin.

May 23, 2010

   -You will have a good luck soon…

   ‘Only do not show you are somehow interested in her words. Do not turn round’- I told to myself.

   -He was a tall man with black hair. Your first love.

   ‘O.k this one is easy to guess. I am a tall woman so it’s quite reasonable that I would prefer  a tall man. As for the black hair, well, I will tell you one secret: 90% of southern men have black hair. The rest are either bald or grey-haired.

   I was thinking it over and walking the street while she kept uttering her oracles and following me. She was about 20 or 25. She looked like Gypsy, I mean she wore that long  gypsy-like dress with a lot of knick-knacks on it. And Gypsy people are known for their love to make predictions.

   -You had a hard time when you broke up.

   ‘She can’t know it. How could she?!  NO! It’s impossible…’

   -I can look into your future and tell you everything. You will get him back soon.

   ‘This is too much. I don’t want him back. I’m quite happy with my present life and I don’t want to know my future. NO! ‘  

     Finally I turned round and gave her 3 manat (in case you would like to know, it’s about 5 $).

     Yes, I paid her for stop telling me my future.

06:08 AM May 25 2010


Russian Federation

When I was younger, one day I got curious about horoscopes and their influence on the life of people.

I read them and I tried to follow the advice( just a little experiment, that lasted about a month). After the month I  asked myself, "What had I got?"

 The answer was: "A great headache, how to avoid something, how to do something or how not to do something" 

I stopped reading horoscopes and felt such  calmness and  lightness: Nothing regulated  my life except my own  will.(Even our duties are performed by our will not by predictions,right? )

Maybe  psycological  skills,maybe a real gift to see the future  are Gipsy's ( extrasensua lpeople, magic people)  helpers.

But my great helper is my intuition.

What about yours?Have  you ever put anything unnecessary in your bag and afterwards it was the right thing you needed at the moment?   


12:27 PM May 24 2010



it has always interested me how can they predict the future. but deep inside my mind i know they are just good psychologists and mostly tell us what we want to hear.

02:18 AM May 24 2010


Russian Federation

A wise descision.What is meant to be will certainly happen.

If the words are true, no need to worry about them beforehand.

If the words are untrue, no need to worry about them  beforehand.

We can't avoid our fate, but we can  choose how we face it.


February 14, 2010

     You are the most beautiful woman in the world!   

       How many times women hear it from men. They say it sometimes honestly, sometimes pursuing their own interests (which are in most cases not hard to guess).They might say it to please you, to compliment you, to make you stop nagging, out of pity or sometimes just out of  habit . But it’s actually o.k. with us, isn’t it? We don’t want to become  Miss Universe. Not all of us at least. And hearing you look so nice today or this dress suits you very  much, dear could spirit me, while  you are the most beautiful woman in the world would definitely make my day. Even if  I’m aware that there are some women who may be prettier that me (well, o.k, not some but a little bit more J)  

       But do you know when I was really happy? It’s when my 8 years old child (who is a boy, by the way, so we can assume him as a man here) was telling  me about his classmate girl and describing her said:’’ …she is beautiful, mom, just like you…’’

12:08 PM May 24 2010



thank you guys for passing by and spending your time reading my blog :)

kobiet.kait's always flattering to get a compliment, isn't it? :)

hormosapi ''you remind me my mother''  hmmm  do not see anything reprehensible or blameworthy in this phrase, actually I wouldn't mind to hear it from my husband :)

   daughters are another case. Boys do not often say compliments to their mothers.at least mine does not :) 





01:52 PM May 23 2010



oh how sweet son ;) it is soadorable......mother's are always the most beautiful for their children ;) the most beautiful, the wisest, the loveliest.


everybody knows that compliements sometimes are not true at all...But it does not cost anything and it is good to give others compliment..I think everybody like to get good words from people;) 


as  i said . it does not cost you anything at all..but it will brighten mood of others...so you can afford this and use it as much as possible so i can primise you that it will turn back to you with benefits ;)

02:59 PM Feb 19 2010



I've read once a list what man shouldn't have to say a girl. One of the points is "You remind me my mother" or something like that. However it seems that to be a template in the eye of the man loved with never ending love is highly rewarding. 

03:35 AM Feb 16 2010

Amar pandey

what a breathetaking moment it would have been when your son would say " Mom she is beautiful and she is just like you".it also shows how much your sun loves you. I can say that your sun is influenced at great extent by you.

06:43 PM Feb 15 2010


you must be so happy when you heard that for the first time..my daughters always say that too and give me kisses... I just can't believe that they admire me so much!