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Life Talk!

Give your opinion plz...



Syrian Arab Republic

when the street is void , nobody or cars in it, and the traffic is red, why I can't to drive my car ?? of course because I must to respect the law of the country that I drive in it.. and that cuz that is not right to break the law..


the religion as like as this law .. it is a law to the life , and we all must to do with it..

 how can I to ask you about my one's due ?? with a law that the human put it ?!!!!! and any law is it ???!!!!

 does religion help us in the life ( women , men , children ,.. in marriage , travel , study, peace, knowledge, work … ets….)?

  Give your opinion about religions plz..

05:26 PM Dec 27 2007 |

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hi nabilaSh,

i respect the Islam and your opinion! but the bible and Koran has more historic connection you think. if you want ,you can read the following text.  the original text is german,it's a google translation,the bible was written in the second century the Koran in the sixst  century.the members of the Islam religion needs 20 Years ,at this time, to write the koran.

The Bible in Islam
 Huseyn al-Dschisri indicated 114 places in the Bible – especially the paraklētos ( "assistance", "Attorney") Jn 14.26 ff; 15.26 f; 16.7 ff – as evidence of Muhammad's prophethood.
Parallels to the prehistory of the Tanakh are in the Quran
• psalmenartige the praise of the Creator, for example, Sure into 87,1-3
• the provision Adams and his wife (Eva is never named) to the deputy (biblical: image) of God on earth and their expulsion from Paradise (Surah 2,30-36)
• Adoption their reintegration (20122)
• The Fratricide (Surah 5,27-32)
• The Great Flood of Noah and rescue: This is the first messenger of God Adam, who vainly to move away from false gods calling (Surah 40.36 f).
The Koran mentions 20 Characters of the Bible, which is not all as a prophet, as a precursor Muhammad. Especially Abraham, "the friend of God", is a model for the Koran to the true believers. He had recognize that God is more powerful than stars (Surah 6.78 f). The followed him without Jews or Christians (Hanifen), the Muslims are equal (Surah 21,51-70). He was also in the Koran promised a son, which he should sacrifice (Surah 37,99-113). They indicate the Muslims usually not this story on Isaac, but to Ishmael, from the maid Hagar born eldest son of Abraham, as the progenitor of the Arabs. He is a prophet of God as the Kaaba in Mecca house founded (Surah 2125).
By Joseph, the son of Jacob zweitjüngstem recounts Sure 12nd Moses is mentioned in the 36 Suren: He is also in the Koran with God directly redende Prophet (Surah 4164), . The Ten Commandments are based 17,22-39 Sure. King David receives and transmits the psalms as a prophet; great wisdom of Solomon praises Sure 21.78 ff
From the figures of the New Testament, the Koran Maryam (Mary (mother of Jesus), John the Baptist (Surah 3,38-41; 19,2-15; 21.89 f) and Isa bin Maryam (Jesus of Nazareth) especially. 

12:48 PM Jan 03 2008 |




no doubt any religion is a treasure of knowledge of humanity and most rules are useful for life,religion is timeless.

I personal have problems, when leaders from a religion don't  allow women in leadership, look the priest in catholic church,they are only male and the leader in Islam only male.The women are as well educated and intelligent as men the women on e-baby shows this impressive.women can be a president of a country…but women are not allowed to preach in a catholic church or in a mosque!  WHY???

12:39 PM Jan 04 2008 |



Syrian Arab Republic

spontan , in islam , the woman can to be as a propagandist to her religion ,and as a jurist , but she can't to be a president because she think by her heart and feelings more than her mind in the often .. that is her natural of structure..

Newday122001 , spontan , Justic, you are right ..

And Spartan heart,I think , the rules that made by human is very important, and we need it to escort the technology of the evolution.. and it is changing by the technological evolution… and it shouldn't to b objection with the law by God…

But the law by God is very important to learn how(to respect each other & ourselves, to come back to our natural, and to protect the nature on the earth & no competing it ) 


05:55 PM Jan 04 2008 |



i think religion always help us to do good in life both this world and next one.it teaches us how to behave others.how to tackle others.what,s your mission of life in the earth?what,s the purpose of your creation.it teaches us to repect others and also tell us to serve human being.it show how should we display tolerance.

    religion shows how to sacrifies for others.it tells do well get well.or i can say as you sow shall you reap.if we follow our religions completely ,our life can become perfect and successful in this world and the next one.

i think if we remember to keep others happy all the time with your best.you will be successful.i believe on it.thanks byebye

06:17 PM Jan 04 2008 |



Dear Lovely flower,

Have you met any person in your life who don't have religion,Every human here on this earth is religiuos.. & feel the situation… Is the world living at ease & peace.. from where the wars are coming.. We have not learnt to sacrifice but we have learnt only how to kill…& not just a few but millions together…. just in a blow… 

02:57 AM Jan 05 2008 |



think seriously before doing something.

04:21 AM Jan 05 2008 |



Saudi Arabia

hi ! we shloud follow our relegin to be in safe position.my religion is islam and i feel comfortable and confident with it

08:07 AM Jan 05 2008 |



Saudi Arabia

the relegion writes the rule of our life , the target of our life , the way of our life. most of the poele around the wold dont now why are they here??? and how??? what will they did after they death???

our God creat this nantion to pray for him and work to apply God rules in the world.

part of our relegion is to improve our selves by eduction and work.

08:34 AM Jan 05 2008 |



It’s a real problem. laws are cleare but religion is not cleare everyone tell what the religion is for him, but i prefer not to think alot about religion because i don’t know a lot of, i was studying management and i studied commercial laws and law in general .that’s all.

11:42 AM Jan 06 2008 |




Hi NabilaSh, you wrote: in islam , the woman can to be as a propagandist to her religion ,and as a jurist , but she can't to be a president because she think by her heart and feelings more than her mind in the often .. that is her natural of structure..

i must smile,because i feel and think most time like a women,but i know also the world from hlp,but for me are figures and lawbooks only work, not the life. I want also remember that a muslime women was twice a President.MRS Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan 1988 – 1990 and 1993-1996

05:36 PM Jan 06 2008 |